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(1336) Blunt & Envy | Catching up

As we looked back at all the projects Blunt and Envy put out this years we could not help but be taken down memory lane, scrolling past video after video from years past that played a foundational role in so much of the scootering that we see today. For so many years they have sought to bring our industry video projects that stand the test of time, and 2023 was no exception. From Will Scott's beautifully composed signature deck promo which highlights all the reasons we fell in love with him so many years ago, to Charlie Stamp and Sam Bartlem's Golden Orb serving as a public service announcment that the future is in good hands, to a beautifully coordinated series of videos from Antoine Baldisserri highlighting the hometown's of their stacked European squad. Blow off work, skip class, cancel that zoom call, these are worth your undivided attention.

1 Comment

Feb 03

Kids games learning should be both fun and educational, and Binibambini gets it just right My child loves the interactive puzzles and mini-games, and I’ve noticed a big improvement in his attention span. These games are a great alternative to passive screen time because they encourage active participation. It’s a great investment in my child’s development!

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